

Barking Up the Right Tree

Navigating the Digital Pet Protection Landscape with identibase®
service line
Technical & Code Audit
Service Level Agreement for Website Maintenance
Web Application Development
Server Optimisation
Data Analysis
CRO & UX consulting
Customer Experience Journey Mapping
Mobile Application Development

The Case

Identi is one of the UK’s largest and longest-established pet protection service providers. With an impressive portfolio of microchipping, online microchip registration, and Lost & Stolen Pet services, the company has set the standard for cutting-edge solutions that keep pets safe and keepers reassured. But innovation never rests, and neither does identi. That's why they turned to us to help take their online pet microchip database, identibase®, to the next level.

The Solution

With a keen focus on user satisfaction, identi aims to create a seamless, intuitive, and user-friendly experience for pet keepers across the nation. The Cognitive Creators team was excited to join forces with identi and help bring this vision to life. Our team has been involved in multiple key areas, including: analysing and comprehending data from various sources using Google BigQuery to optimise conversion rates; mapping customer experience journeys to identify areas for improvement, and solving technical challenges that are causing unnecessary resource consumption within the Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure. Beyond that, what truly ignited our passion for this partnership was the continuous eagerness to understand the intricacies of human behaviour and to use that knowledge to create products that are future-proof and designed with the user in mind.

Secure, Seamless, Reliable 

As technology continues to advance rapidly, the pet protection industry is also embracing innovative solutions. Leading the pack is identibase®, identi’s renowned online microchip database that provides the right resources and expertise for a seamless experience when registering and updating the details of microchipped companions. But identibase® is more than just a database – it offers essential measures for reuniting lost pets with their loving keepers.

And just as pet keepers rely on the latest technology to keep their animals safe and healthy, a complex database needs routine maintenance, appropriate security measures, and continuous software updates to ensure it runs smoothly and effectively.

Thus the Cognitive Creators team took the reins of the development side of the identibase® project in the first half of 2022. With the determination of a pack of sled dogs, we have been working tirelessly to maintain and improve user experience ever since.

Identibase® in Safe Paws

When taking over the identibase® project, we first conducted a comprehensive code audit of both the front-end and back-end of the website in order to:

  • assess the quality and maintainability of the existing codebase and identify any issues or technical debt that need to be addressed;
  • understand how the codebase is structured and how the different components interact with each other;
  • identify any security vulnerabilities or potential risks that exist within the codebase.

Once we finished and presented the Code Audit Report to the stakeholders of identi, we were ready to assume responsibility for the website’s further maintenance and development.

All Eyes on Enhanced User Experience

In the first year of our collaboration, we scored some sweet wins together with the Identibase® team. Based on our findings within the code audit, we fortified the database’s digital security measures, preventing any possible data breaches. As we worked to stabilise the website and address areas of critical technical debt, we also took on the challenge of solving issues that were causing unnecessary resource consumption within the Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure. With these technical hurdles out of the way, we were able to focus on developing new features and enhancements that further improved the identi experience.

One of the next priorities was streamlining the registration process for new users. Identi recognised that this was often a pain point for potential clients and could be a barrier to entry. To address this, we revamped the registration flow mindfully, cutting out unnecessary steps and making it more intuitive.

To further enhance the user experience, we have begun implementing process automations. A key feat was automating the transfer of keepership from one pet keeper to another, a task that used to be about as easy as herding cats. But we tamed that beast with a new, polished process that lets users manage everything all in one place in identibase®. No more chasing down paperwork or waiting around for very long.

To see how these updates were essential to driving growth, it’s worth taking a glance at the figures from the first year of our collaboration in comparison with the year before that:

  • 71.6% growth in net volume from sales
  • 119.2% growth in the number of new, non-trial subscribers
  • 46.9% decrease in subscriber churn rate

CXJ Mapping: the Pet Keeper’s Adventure

Positively committed to delivering a top-notch user experience, our collaboration with identi reached new heights with our Customer Experience Journey (CXJ) Mapping project, where we set out to explore the path pet keepers take when interacting with identibase®.

As a first step, we conducted on-site CXJ Mapping workshops and live usability tests with internal (Stakeholders & Contact Centre colleagues) and external (Keepers) focus groups, where we created the maps of multiple customer journey flows and sniffed out pain points, strong points, and opportunities for improvement.

By analysing the internal and external CXJ maps and examining the alignment and discrepancies between these perspectives, we gained valuable insights into user behaviours, difficulties, and preferences. This knowledge empowers identi to enhance the identibase® platform continually, ensuring it caters to the specific needs and real-life challenges of pet keepers.

Attaching the Leash to the Collar: the identibase® Mobile App

Just like a dog needs both a collar and a leash to go for a walk, a website and a mobile app work hand in hand to provide the complete experience for users. That's why, after a successful first year, we're continuing to support and enhance the website while also kicking off the development of the identibase® mobile app. So UK pet keepers, buckle up:  whether you're walking your dog, waiting at the vet's office, or just lounging on the couch with your furry sidekicks, you'll soon be able to access all of the identibase® features and services conveniently.

Colin Glass

CFO, identi
"identi has been collaborating and working with CC for a year now [from March 2022]. The team formed quickly and aligned around good regular communication and the use of JIRA as a workflow tool. The outputs in both database management and our site updates have been excellent and tailored to our needs. CC are a great development and marketing partner to have on our business journey in the next phase of our business."


Beginning of March 2022
Code Audit (front-end & back-end)
Website Support & Maintenance
From March 2022
August-November 2022
UI/UX Overhaul: Registration & Login Flow | Redesigned Navigation & Solutions for Dashboard and CTA | Transfer of Keepership Process Automation
Code refactoring / Cloud hosting restructuring
September-November 2022
March 2023
Data Analysis
Customer Experience Journey Mapping
April-May 2023
From May 2023
Mobile Application Requirements Documentation & Development